Dr. Divya Chhabra graduated as a Gold Medallist from CMP homoeopathic medical college, Mumbai and her MD degree is from DKMM Homoeopathic Medical College. She did her residencies at Mumbadevi hospital and at Bhatia hospital, thus honing the two key skills, the Homeopathic State and Similimum diagnosis, and the Pathological Disease diagnosis.

Her ever-questioning mind asked, “1 pill of a 30 potency has all these effects? Really?” To experience the effect of this one pill of the homeopathic remedy, she began Proving remedies.10 new homeopathic remedies have been thus researched.

Her zest for teaching all that she knows has led her to present at seminars and conferences in over 14 countries over the last 30 years.

Dr. Divya’s quest for perfection to find THE bulls eye similimum in every case has had one constant; the exploration of the unconscious which is nothing but the automatic brain.

From the psychology of Jung and Freud, Dr. Divya’s path has reached its pinnacle with Psychoneuroimmunology. It’s founder’s Rober Ader and Nicholas Cohen pathbreaking work on Pavlovian conditioning is one of the pillars of The Leap to the Similimum -neuroscientific method, that Dr. Divya practises today.

She is a classical dancer with an abiding passion for tennis, so together let us watch the dance of the similimum, neuroscience and pathology played out on the court of homeopathy.

JAHC 2024 Sessions:
Apr 21, 2024
10:15 am
Joining the Dots: A Case of Sjogren’s Syndrome

The unique symptoms that characterize the individual’s disease state; the irrational fears, the dreams and food aversions are the DOTS scattered in the movie of life that together etch out the sensory image of the Source of the Similimum. Along with Hahnemann and Kent we swam the length and width of the sea of the patient’s case, and picked the treasures thrown up on the surface. Then Freud and Jung tugged us into the depths of the sea. A parallel world and movie, the Unconscious emerged, and we saw that the floating treasures we had picked on the surface were key landmarks of this movie. Neuroscience then gave us the 5- D glasses of the 5 senses to see this deep-sea movie clearly. The Leap to the Similimum- neuroscientific method uses the tools of cutting-edge neuroscience research to collect the treasures of objective data, under the sea of Consciousness, and see the Source of the Similimum emerge. Together at JAHC 2024, hosted by NCH, lets dive into the Automatic brain, unravel the neural circuits that are the diseased loops controlling the patient’s function, emotion, thought and action and reset the circuits with the Similimum.