Gabrielle is a board-certified classical homeopath and international best-selling author. She has worked in hospitals and rural clinics in South Africa. After moving to California, she worked in an OB/GYN practice for a decade alongside a traditional OB-GYN and a fertility endocrinologist. She was part of a core treatment team in an in-patient treatment facility for eating disorders, PTSD, addictions, and chronic pain. Her 6-year homeopathic medical degree included double blind clinical trials on anxiety and difficulty concentrating. Gabrielle Traub has taught homeopathy in England, South Africa, Pakistan, Dubai, Australia and the USA. She founded World Homeopathy Awareness Week. Gabrielle now works in San Diego where she specializes in treating women and children.

Gabrielle enjoys exercising, spending time in nature with her husband and 7-year-old son who has been raised on Homeopathy.

JAHC 2024 Sessions:
Apr 20, 2024
10:15 am
Deepening Your Understanding of Miasms to Crack the Case

Hahnemann wrote in his book, The Chronic Diseases, that his discovery of miasms and their impact on long-term health, was even more important than his discovery of homeopathy. Yet many homeopaths don’t utilize miasmatic theory in their practice. Understanding miasms is an invaluable tool in cracking the case, and determining the simillimum, especially in difficult cases.