Dr. Michael Knapp is a Naturopathic Physician practicing with advanced training in homeopathy and the foundational tools of naturopathy, Nature Cure. He attended National University of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon and completed a one year teaching and clinical residency at the university. His practice has an emphasis in the interconnection of digestive problems (dis-)stress, hormonal and immune system complaints that are often linked with gut-brain-microbiome imbalance. Dr. Knapp teaches mindfulness meditation and has taught Insight Meditation at Coconino County Jail through the Exodus – Inmate Substance Abuse Treatment Program. He is currently designing mindfulness training for healthcare providers to improve patient care and decrease practitioner burnout. He taught anatomy and physiology for five years at ASIS school of massage and has provided homeopathic and educational outreach at Flagstaff Shelter Services and at domestic violence shelters in Northern Arizona. He serves on the board of the Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians. He currently resides on a 1-acre organic flower farm in the Verde Valley of Arizona.

JAHC 2024 Sessions:
Apr 20, 2024
3:30 pm
Working with Non-Dynamic Disease in Homeopathic Practice

Hahnemann instructs us to know what is curable by homeopathic medicines. Equally important is being able to identify what is not curable by medicines because it is due to non-dynamic causes. Modern clients/patients often present with a complex web of dynamic and non-dynamic disease and successful practice relies on being able to separate the symptoms of these 2 types of disease and apply the appropriate interventions that address each. This presentation will breakdown non-dynamic disease and present a traditional nature cure framework for supporting healing of non-dynamic illness while the chronic remedy addresses dynamic disease.