Ruth graduated from Homeopathic School International as a certified homeopath in 2015 and received a bachelor’s degree in homeopathy in 2022. She has been a craniosacral therapist since 2007 when she completed all training levels with Dr. Carol Phillips, D.C. Ruth has been using homeopathy for over 20 years on her family and friend’s common illnesses and loves to share her knowledge and experience with others. She works with clients of all ages. Teaching homeopathy to homeschool parents, young adults, and children is a passion of hers as is teaching parents to balance their loved ones with myofascial release and basic craniosacral therapy.

JAHC 2024 Sessions:
Homeopathy for Strep: A 21st Century Approach in the Age of Antibiotics

It is becoming more well known that the degree of dysbiosis in the human microbiome correlates with the severity of various diseases including metabolic dysfunction, obesity, malnutrition, diabetes, and chronic inflammatory diseases like ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. The overuse of antibiotics for common illnesses has been recognized as a contributor to this dysbiosis and unnecessary use of antibiotics has been identified as a long-term problem in medicine. Homeopaths have long used remedies to address diseases like strep throat, ear infections, UTIs, and more without the need for antibiotics. This lecture will look at how to rethink the purpose of the symptoms and help interpret the reason for a streptococcus infection to find the similimum and support the microbiome towards heath.